Posted in Անգլերեն


  • Բայերը գրեք ներկա անորոշ ժամանակով, հիշեք, որ 3֊րդ դեմք եզակի թվում բային ավելանում է ֊s, -es-վերջավորությունը։ օրինակ` He plays the piano. 
    1. I love you.
    2. Ron speaks serious.

3. She goes to school every day.
4. We like tomatoes.
5. The boy wants to play.
6. You need to sleep.
7. They agree with me.
8. She hears something strange.
9 Emma looks sad.
10. David knows how to fix a car.

  • Հետևյալ նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական, ժխտական (անցյալ ժամանակ֊Past tense, օրկնակ`  They worked in the garden. Did they work in the garden? They didn’t work in the garden. He had a cat. Did he have a cat? He didn’t have a cat. He was 10. Was he 10? He was not 10.

1. They worked in the garden.

Did They worked in the garden?

They worked in didn’t the garden

2. I was a student.

Was I a student.?

I was not a student.

3. We made a cake.

Did We makea cake?

We didn’t make a cake

4. They saw a big car.

Did They see a big car?

They didn’t see a big car.

5. You had a dog.

Did You have a dog?

You didn’t have a dog.


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